Thursday 16 July 2009

Tibet continues to increase amid the financial crisis

Amid the international financial crisis, the growth rate of the fiscal revenue of all provinces and municipalities offering assistance to Tibet experienced varying degrees of decline. However, assistance to Tibet has not weakened, and investment in and the number of Tibet- assistance projects have continued to increase. The fifth batch of nationwide Tibet-assistance projects has been successively carried out in June and July, 2007. By April, 2009, the fifth batch of assistance implemented 1,388 projects investing 2.995 billion yuan in these Tibet-assistance projects. The projects have achieved remarkable results in improving infrastructure, guaranteeing common people's housing conditions, accelerating the development of characteristic agricultural and pastoral industries, and boosting the contribution of science and technology to agricultural and animal husbandry. These projects have effectively promoted Tibet's comprehensive economic and social development and improved the Tibetan people's living conditions. In 2008, although the annual growth rate of Beijing’s fiscal revenue dropped by 10.5 percentage points year-on-year, Beijing strengthened its investment in the assistance projects. By March, 2009, Beijing's fifth batch of assistance projects had reached more than 60.

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