Tuesday 21 July 2009

Expertise by publishing a book

Differentiating yourself from your competitors is a key to business success. There are all kinds of ways of doing that but one of the most powerful, challenging, and underutilized ways to create differentiation is to share your expertise by writing and publishing a book. Being a columnist is one thing, but actually writing a book is altogether another experience, and I've written and published several books so far. My latest book, "Job Search Marketing: Finding Job Opportunities in Any Economy," publishing Sept. 1, extends the reach of my marketing experience and insights within the context of job search. In this two-part series, we'll explore the reasons for taking up the book publishing challenge and ways to get it done. Let's cover some basics here first. # Every business area has the potential for book publishing. Most people think you have to be in a consulting business or have to be an established "guru" to write a book. The truth is, it doesn't matter what your business is — you already have expertise that a wider audience could us e to their benefit.# You can write a book. If you don't think you can, you won't. While everyone has the potential to write a book, most don't. Writing a book takes three essential things: discipline, organization and determination to see the process through. Any level of those three can put you on the track of sharing your expertise with the wider world. # How many times have you heard someone say, "Someday I'm going to write a book" about this or that? Or have you found yourself telling someone, "You should really write a book about that?" It has become a cliche of a vision or dream never fulfilled. And that is precisely your advantage. Chances are, your competitors won't publish a book. # Publishing puts you in what I call the "expert plus" category. You can certainly consider yourself an expert without publishing a book but because so few actually publish, it becomes a way to differentiate yourself from nonpublishing experts.

For further details visit as : http://www.recordonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20090722/BIZ/907220346

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