Wednesday 24 June 2009

UCT Graduate School of Business’s New Course :

Storytelling is more often associated with kindergarten than the world of business, but companies are fast waking up to the widespread benefits of organisational storytelling. This year sees the launch of the UCT Graduate School of Business’s new course aimed at teaching business leaders and organisations how to leverage the power of narrative. Organisational Storytelling for Inspirational Leaders will run for the first time this September. According to course directors, Peter Christie and Nikki Friedman, it will help leaders use storytelling to influence others and lead more successfully. It will also equip businesses with the tools to develop and communicate a unique and congruent organisational story. "Given the widely perceived power of storytelling, it is no surprise that business has woken up to its benefits and found interesting ways of leveraging it within an organisational setting. "Recent years have seen stories popularised in the business world – with several businesses finding creative ways to put the power of words to effective use," said Christie – who has lectured at on the topic for several years. Popularised to a great degree by Steve Denning – former programme director of Knowledge Management at the World Bank and author of several books on the subject – storytelling, in an organisational context, works because it creates an emotional response that leads to real learning and action. It catches, and maintains, people’s attention in a way that simple fact-sharing cannot; stories simply anchor facts into the memory more easily.

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