Sunday 28 June 2009

Internet Marketing TWIF selected by small business

TWIF Marketing today announced they have launched a website for ManagementPro. We brought in Robert because of his reputation and immediately felt very comfortable with his team, as well as his approach. He's been a pleasure to work with. I'm confident that our company will be stronger for having worked with TWIF Marketing. TWIF Marketing offers a range of consulting services for companies that want to increase their online visibility. TWIF Marketing, who specializes in small to mid-market companies, will be helping all ManagementPro Inc. in the areas of search engine optimization and online PR. “Because competition for customers is so great and profit dollars are so scarce,” said Robert Velarde, TWIF Marketing's President. “Business owners everywhere are scrambling just to keep their heads above water. Many businesses that started out as a long-held dream for financial independence for their owners have turned into little more than hard working, low paying jobs with very little time off. ManagementPro Inc has been producing results for their small business clients for many years. TWIF is proud to be selected to help with their online visibility.” Vickie Waller, CEO of ManagementPRO Inc., which provides small business consulting to numerous companies in the South Carolina, is excited about working with TWIF Marketing. "We brought in Robert because of his reputation and immediately felt very comfortable with his team, as well as his approach. He's been a pleasure to work with. I'm confident that our company will be stronger for having worked with TWIF Marketing."
About TWIF Marketing:
TWIF Marketing is a company that specializes in Internet marketing services. The company specializes in all aspects of Internet marketing services like search engine optimization (SEO) service, pay per click (PPC) advertising service, and email campaign service, and much more.

For further details visit at :

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I wonder if they can do social media marketing with online video right. It's not hard to upload a video to YouTube, Vimeo, AdWido, and other video sites, but it may be difficult to present the right thing in a video to successfully captivate an audience.